We help you focus
on meaningful work
We continually get told that even most modern business software systems still contain complex, HR, risk, and compliance workflows that cause headaches and rob people of their valuable time.
Instead, we're here to give back that lost time, allow you to focus on meaningful work, and guarantee real time access to the data you need.
Focus on What Matters
Concentrate on meaningful work while we take care of the mundane tasks.​
Regain lost time for meaningful work
Say hello to regaining more time to do the things you love.
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Happy Employees, Happy Business
Empower your team to do their best work by allowing them to focus on the meaningful work they love, not the boring, time-consuming, non-value adding tasks they hate.
Boost Productivity and Efficiency
When you regain your lost time, productivity gain is automatic. This applies to managers, HR specialists, and employees.
Stay Agile and Adapt Quickly
Our tools and approach allow you to continually adapt to today's every-changing needs without causing more lost time.​
Keep reading to see how we help you achieve such great results.

"Over the past 10 years I’ve had to do so many appraisals and never has any of my team members ever even remotely suggested that they saw any value in these. We did all the paperwork, got all the signatures and had the discussions but nothing ever came from it. It was a good time to catch up on coffee though. Something should change”
Jan Victor - Lead I&C Designer (Perth WA)

Psychological Safety Questionnaire
The NEOS HR Psychological Safety Questionnaire removes the complexity o assessing and managing psychological hazards in the workplace. Using our unique 2-tranche design, the App recognises emerging issues and trends at the click of a button. Simple, quick, and cost effective.
Proactive Reengagement
The NEOS HR Proactive Re-Engagement App (sometimes called Positive Performance Management) allows you to successfully manage the Re-Engagement/Positive Performance Management process in 7 simple steps. From planning, through to the difficult conversation and then the agreed plan, The App provides consistent process and quality control as well as built in administration, management decision making and reporting. Simple, quick and cost effective.

Performance Reviews
The NEOS Performance Review feature transitions your existing paper-based or electronic forms into Behavioural Rating Scales and technology. This reduces the time required by up to 80%, makes the conversation easy and meaningful, and takes care of the paperwork; all at the click of a button. Simple, quick and defendable.

Position Descriptions
The NEOS HR Position Description feature introduces 100% Quality Control over the development and changes of your PDs, ensures alignment to your remuneration matrix and/or Award conditions, simplifies format changes and manages history and version control. Simple, quick and cost effective.

Risk Assessments
The NEOS HR Risk Assessment feature keeps things simple and streamlines the process of developing risk assessments. Pre-built templates allow you to quickly identify your projects risks with industry standard samples and suggested preventative actions. By allowing you to you can be confident you've covered every scenario and will be able to meet your regulatory requirements.

Business Reporting
The NEOS HR business reporting feature allows business unit managers to report on relevant KPIs and proactively identify explanations of solutions to specific areas of concern. Literally by 5pm on the last day of the month the CEO can review each business areas report and focus on managing specific areas of concern immediately.

"Thank you Mark your approach to this problem makes sense".
Terry Shiundu - Africa
Remuneration Reviews
The NEOS HR Remuneration Review feature reduces assessment and reporting time to minutes, rather than days. The App guarantees assessment against current market rates and can include variation from the salary band mean or median if required. Assessment reports that are 100% defendable upon review are automatically generated by our App.

Position Analysis Questionnaires
The NEOS HR Positions Analysis Questionnaire feature reduces the time to identify changes in position accountabilities and responsibilities by up to 80%. Using pre-defined templates specific to your KPIs and wage/ salary criteria, the App allows you to complete assessments and justify decision with 100% consistency and accuracy in in 80% less time and effort.

Harassment Training
The NEOS HR Sexual Harassment Training App combines all content, assessment, and record-keeping into one simple user interface. Users make 13 selections using a click-and-tick approach that still provides full justification, quality control and defendable outcomes in 80% less time than traditional approaches.
Simple, quick and easy.