I recently listened to a presentation made by Tim Reed, CEO at MYOB and President of the Business Council of Australia.
Tim stated that in his experience 95% of people come to work and want to do the right thing. He also recommended that business become more flexible and more digital.
Unfortunately, I’d argue most current HR policies, processes and practices actually do the opposite. They impede the 95%, are not flexible and far too manual.
In short, they are not aligned to the business needs Tim Reed has identified.
Consider a recent example where an organisation needed to confirm employees working from home had work areas that met the required workplace standards and were safe. They produced six documents to guide and assist employees (13 pages in total).
This impedes the 95%, is not flexible and manual. In response I configured our Decision Assist App so users select one of four (4) options for each of the following nine (9) Key Assessment Factors. 9 taps on their smart phones instead of 6 documents and 13 pages to achieve the same outcome.
Easy for the 95%, flexible and digital.
As Ismail Khan (HR Professional in India) said recently “Investment into innovative HR technological solutions and leveraging of it to make life easier, simpler and better for HR practitioners, regulators, employees and enterprises will have to be fast tracked post Covid-19 crisis.”
Now more than ever, it is important that HR rise to the challenge and demonstrate practical solutions to aligning HR to the actual business needs.